
Further to the problems with Port congestion and delay issues here in NZ, our Transporter contractors advise they are facing increasing costs to operate on ports (Particularly Auckland and Christchurch). Additional costs may be passed on.

Recently, Ports Of Auckland reduced the amount of days vehicles can remain on port awaiting removal without incurring demurrage. This coupled with a lack of space on ports and restrictions on how many transporters can be on port at a time will see vehicles still on “HOLD” likely incurring demurrage/additional costs as they are deprioritised for delivery.

AUTOHUB only issues “Clearance for Delivery”  if importers have an Agents Release and have paid Autohub as required PRIOR to a vessel arriving in port.

In order to ensure your vehicles do not incur additional costs in movement and storage, please ensure you have addressed both of the above prior to vessel arrival otherwise any additional costs incurred (late fees, second vehicle transporter cost, storage) will be on-charged.

Please help us to help you keep your costs down and delivery of your vehicles running as smoothly as possible.

If you need further information or wish to discuss, please contact us via or call us 094117425


Team Autohub.