
Re: NZTA CCS Update 1 March 2023

Please see below the latest CCS notice from NZTA


Kia ora

Welcome to the latest update from the Clean Car Standard (CCS) programme.

In this newsletter, we’re focusing on the new functionality that’s now available in the CCS system. This includes a new auto acceptance function, the ability to remove users from your account, and a reminder about the new automated ‘balance owing’ email for PAYG importers who have charges.

We’ve also removed any vehicles from accounts that were entry certified or received PDIs prior to 1 December 2022, and include a reminder about the updated Rightcar safety ratings.


Auto acceptance of vehicles

Auto accept functionality is now available and can be turned on at an account level by the account owner.

We know many importers have been waiting for this functionality because it makes the process for vehicles more streamlined and eliminates any delays that can happen while waiting for a manual acceptance.

Fleet Average

Auto acceptance has two settings available, one for vehicles with emissions below the target, and one for vehicles with emissions greater than the target.

If the account owner chooses to use ‘auto-accept’:

  • both settings can be enabled for all vehicles to auto accept, or alternatively either of the options can be selected if the importer doesn’t want all vehicles auto accepted
  • when enabled, vehicles will be accepted into the CO2 account automatically once the Pre-Delivery Inspection or entry certification is marked as complete.


Auto acceptance is only available for credit vehicles.

If the account owner turns on ‘auto-accept’:

  • all credit vehicles will be accepted into the CO2 account automatically once the Pre-Delivery Inspection or entry certification is complete.

There isn’t an option to auto accept vehicles with a charge, so they will still need to be manually accepted. This is because payment is required at the time of acceptance from 1 June onwards.

See page 2 of our ‘Edit CO2 account’ step by step guide for detailed instructions on how to edit the auto acceptance settings:


Remove a user

Importers can now manage users on their account and remove users as appropriate.

This is an important security function within the system. It enables you to keep good control of who you’re authorising to access the CO2 account at any given time.


Vehicles certified before 1 December 2022 no longer visible

Any vehicles that were entry certified or received pre-delivery inspections before 1 December 2022 and had an account number loaded into the CCS system will be removed and no longer visible to CO2 account holders.

These vehicles aren’t subject to the CCS and don’t have any emissions targets associated with them, so there will be no impact to importers’ balances when these are removed.


Automated monthly email updates

If you’re on the PAYG scheme and have vehicles that have incurred charges on your account, you’ll receive an automated monthly email letting you know the total of those charges. This is not a net balance and does not take into account any credits you may have accrued.

Please note this a courtesy email to help you stay across your CCS financial obligations. It provides you with a point-in-time view of your pending charges, which may change over time.

You don’t need to make any payment until after 1 June 2023.

Any credits you’ve accrued may be used to off-set your final balance when payment is due.

You can login to your CO2 account any time to check your real-time charges and credit balance. You can find this in the summary box at the top of your account page.


Tools to help where no CO2 value is available

There are some tools available to help you where there is no CO2 value available for a vehicle.


Under the ‘Dealer resources’ section of the Rightcar website there’s a PDF file you can download called ‘Vehicles without CO2 values’.

This document shows vehicles that Waka Kotahi does not have CO2 values for. If you import one of these vehicles and don’t provide any official documentation to establish the CO2 value, then Waka Kotahi will calculate a CO2 value using the VEED regulations.

This calculated value is likely to be higher than the manufacturer’s value if one is available.

Here is the link:


There is also a file available in Fuelsaver of recently imported vehicles that reports the CO2 values, tare weight values and CCD and CCD values.

This is a useful source of information if you’re looking to purchase a similar vehicle and want to get an idea of the CCD and CCS implications.

Here is the link:


Reminder: updated safety ratings on Rightcar

The latest safety ratings for used light vehicles in New Zealand are now on the Rightcar website, along with information about crash avoidance features in used imports (sourced from manufacturers by Waka Kotahi).

As people are increasingly placing more importance on the safety and environmental impact of their vehicles, you can set yourself up for success by:

• checking out the dealer resources on the Rightcar website, which can help you import and sell safe, clean and efficient vehicles

• displaying current vehicle safety rating labels, available via the EECA website.

Please remember, people are twice as safe in a 5-star safety rated vehicle than in a 1 or 2-star vehicle.

Note: Based on the updated 2022 safety ratings six model generations are no longer eligible for a Clean Car Discount, but 10 are now eligible.

More information on how ratings change over time is available online at

If you have any questions, please email


Team Autohub

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