
Please see the following Policy Briefing for the new Minister of Transport from VIA:


VIA has delivered a briefing document to the new Minister of Transport, Hon Simeon Brown.


This document outlines VIA’s vision of the future of New Zealand transport. It includes a range of policy positions that have been developed by your VIA Council working with the VIA team.


A key element of the document is a recognition that the future will continue to require private vehicle ownership (which is a point that is sometimes lost in more extreme debates about the future) and that used vehicle imports will be an integral part of New Zealand moving towards its low carbon goals.


The message to Government is that it is time to look at the exiting of aging vehicles from the fleet and, improving other transport options (eg public transport), rather than continue the recent focus on shaping what comes into the country.


We will be seeking regular engagement with the Minister and his officials to keep pressing the importance of used vehicle imports to a cleaner, safer transport future.


Click here to read this briefing document.



Team Autohub